Friday, October 18, 2019

The Food that Makes People Heed Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Food that Makes People Heed - Assignment Example The power that he has is based from the craving for good food the customers want to sate. It is actually the power of knowing that giving the best service in exchange for people’s money to satisfy them that the book possesses. As he portrayed with his words, he is not satisfied by just the things he already knows but also enriches himself by reading many books. His hard work is not concentrated in his kitchen but also in the kitchen of others through their books. Moreover, he considers the nutritional value of his food so that even doctors and nurses approve of his cooking, therefore, making them regular customers as well. The article was well written to present the positive and negative attributes of Mr. Yeganeh but not to the effect of putting the man down. Instead, his negative attributes present logical reasons which make readers appreciate the cook even more.

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