Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Effective Leadership Within An Organisational Context Essay

Effective Leadership Within An Organisational Context - Essay Example So, what is effective leadership? Before defining effective leadership, it is important to define leadership. According to Northouse (2010, p 9), leadership is defined as a process through which a person mobilize resources both material and human and influences group of people to achieve set of common goals. Effective leadership has diverse definitions that depend mostly on the context on which leadership is defined and point of view of the person defining it. Leadership effectiveness definition is highly multifaceted and complex. The following are the famous definitions of effective leadership. One, Nahavandi (2006, p 12) defines effective leadership as a process through which leadership achieves the organizations’ goals and objectives; leadership is based on the performance of the group. Two, Marturano and GOSLKING (2008, p 9) define effective leadership as the ability of leadership to help people in an organization to have more collaboration, innovation and communication. Three, effective leadership is the ability to enable other people within organization enhance their personal capabilities in order to fulfil their own ambitions and potentials and that of the group or organization as well (Vries 2006, p. 12- 13). In comparison, the three definitions indicate that effective lea dership aims at achieving certain goals after a given period of time. Secondly, all the definitions show that effective le

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