Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 12

Annotated Bibliography Example Baltes, B. B., Finkelstein, L. M., Van, V. A. E. M., Dalhoeven, B. A. G. W., & De, P. I. E. (2011, February 04). Aging and training and development willingness: Employee and supervisor mindsets. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 32(2), 226-247. The authors published their results of employee development research. They focused on figuring out the relationship between the willingness of employee to obtain training and development and their age. Researchers even found out what factors have led to the creation of these relationships. In this research they study the perception of the supervisors regarding the link between age and an employee’s willingness to get trained. This research is helpful in identifying the mindset of both employees and supervisors regarding the importance of training and development. Before training is provided to employees, a needs analysis is conducted. Training needs analysis helps in figuring out who needs to be training, what kind of training is needed and why the training is required. Jean Barbazette, the writer of this text book focuses on all issues regarding training needs analysis. This book provides a huge variety of methods and techniques used to conduct a training needs analysis. The text book even provides information regarding why a training needs assessment is necessary. Donnelly conducted this research during the period of 2009. This research focuses on the importance of mobile learning through various technological advancements. Research even studied how the method of mobile learning can be manipulated by organizations to attain a competitive edge and to fight the difficult economic conditions. The researchers figured out that mobile learning can be conducted through devises that users carry around easily with themselves. These devises include MP3 players and mobile phones and these can be used to enhance the performance of employees. Gitman et

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